Hayes's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

Response to the article

Have you had an experience like Dr Klitzman had in regard to people who were wearing or not wearing masks? If so, where were you, and what happened? Here is the article

Nothing happened to me but it did happen to my mom, she was at a grocery store and there was two people not wearing a mask and they got kicked out for not wearing a mask. They where not happy because they need food but they can only get food because they were not wearing a mask  

How did you feel? Why?

Happy they got kicked out because they can kill people by not wearing a mask!

Did other people’s wearing or not wearing of masks influence your actions? Why?

Other people where wearing a mask because they don’t want to get sick.

Did you worry about what they thought? Why?

No, I did not care because mask are safe

If you wear a mask, tell us about it. Do you have a favourite? What kind of mask is it? Is it comfortable? Do your masks express your personal style? If so, how?

My mask tells people that i like hockey, my mask is a bauer mask with a bunch of hockey sticks on it and its double sided.


competitive hockey



1 Comment

  1. Silvia Tolisano

    I really liked your post about how you could relate to the article about wearing masks. The reason being that your blog post is becoming a documentation of this moment in time in history. It is also a documentation of how YOU, at your age and living in Canada has reacted to a situation in this global pandemic.
    I live in Florida and unfortunately have to share with you that many people here DO NOT wear a mask, but no store kicks them out and they just continue to put themselves and others in danger.

    Keep observing and keep documenting what is going on in this time in history and in your neck of the world!

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