Hayes's Blog

Just another Edublogs site

Month: June 2021

News report

We made a news report about a tornado and it was lots of fun.


Structure project


To design and build a structure to survive different natural phenomenons. ( has to be 2 stories high )

I will test my structure with a simulated tsunami. I used my shower to act like the tsunami.


I think it has a change of surviving. Because its going to be water proof its gonna get x2 layers for most of the house.




  • popsicle sticks  
  •  tags
  •  straws
  •  cardboard
  • tape





  1. I cut a giant hole out of a shoe box 
  2.  put lots of tape
  3.  put another shoe box on top 
  4.  made a water catcher
  5. put paper inside to tell if water got in   



Conclusion   I learnt how to make proper structures and how there work and it kinda survived the inside was fine but the outside was not okay.

It probably wouldn’t survive because its cardboard so that’s why I think brought it down. And if this was irl it wouldn’t survive because if the outside is bad and the inside is fine people would have to tear it down.

Hoot final task

Endangered Pandas by jack


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